Making America Great Again with THE BIG IDEA! Democracy, schools, money, and our environment ... a free, healthy, and sustainable future for our grandkids and their grandkids.

Our MAGA mission, THE BIG IDEA, is the single greatest mission that has ever been asked of any community, nation or alliance, and that mission is to provide our grandkids and their grandkids a realistic and reasonable opportunity for a free, healthy, and sustainable future.
Job #1: Maintain our humanity!
Job #2: Rebuild and strengthen our democratic institutions, processes and values.
Job #3: Schools for learning, money to pay for what needs to be done, and physical surroundings that are conducive to good health for the
Politics - it's where we get together to make group decisions. Making America Great Again by rejecting violence and requiring constructive discourse.

Politics is a good thing. The bad thing is when we drop politics and substitute violence and stop getting together and stop making group decisions.
Let's keep the good and dispose of the bad. #MAGA